Our weekly drop-in workday is Tuesday morning 9-11. When weather is an issue, either from prior rains making the garden too wet or raining the day of, the workday may shift.
The most up-to-date info can be found on our Facebook group.
We have additional workdays weekly however times vary. Please check our facebook or instagram page for times. Non-FB users can text 847-414-3691 to confirm if workday is still on if weather is questionable.

Tuesday Mornings 9-11:00
Once the plants get to harvesting size (usually starting in May), we start our harvesting. Spring harvests are smaller and take less time, while the late summer harvest can take the whole 2 hours!
Workday Tasks
Early spring involves bed prep, planting, putting trellises in place, and weeding. Summer is weeding, bug hunting, planting, and deadheading. Fall may include cleanup, seed collecting, and spreading leaves.
Please fill out a Volunteer waiver form and give to workday supervisor.
Check out our volunteer FAQs page!